Sonntag, 29. Januar 2017


As mentioned in my first post I suffer from faction ADD (just a little bit). I own every faction in the game except Minions, Mercs and Convergence. In MK2 I changed factions almost every week (a litte bit of an exaggeration, but you get the point).  Since MK3 dropped I have played games with Cygnar, Protectorate of Menoth, Retribution of Scyrah, Khador and Circle Orboros. I played tournaments with Cygnar, Retribution and the Protectorate. What I want to try now, is to focus on two factions (one Warmachine and one Hordes) at a time and only play these for a 6 month period.
So let's see.

I really enjoyed playing Trollbloods and Legion of Everblight back in MK2. Legion was my most played faction besides Cryx. With the changes to the factions made in MK3 they both don't appeal to me as much as before. I really had high expectations on Madrak3, as I like the character very much, but I am really disappointed with his rules. Maybe with new releases (Azrael and Kallus2 come to mind) my enthusiasm for Legion will increase again, but right now I have no plans on putting them on the table any time soon. I recently bought a big Skorne package and I am looking forward to painting them in the next months and maybe play them in the next 6 month period.

So that leaves Circle Orbors as the only Hordes faction I'm interested in playing right now and it will be one of the factions I plan on playing for the next 6 month. I will attend a 16 man tournament next weekend and I will bring Circle to that. The Warlocks that interest me the most are Wurmwood, Baldur1, Baldur2, Una2 and Kaya3 (once she is released). My pairing for the tournament will be Wurmwood and Baldur2. I have a few games lined-up against Cygnar for thursday, so expect battle reports and musings on my lists soon.

Cryx was my first faction and my first love. They drew me into playing Warmachine in the first place. I really like the astehtics of the faction and enjoyed playing them in MK2. I haven't put them on the table in MK3 and even put my army up for sale. Right now I don't plan on selling them and recently I built my first Cryx list in Warroom, so there is a possibility I will play them some day in the future.
I already played Retribution of Scyrah and Protectorate of Menoth in tournaments in MK3. While they are really strong factions with very good choices (hello High Reclaimer) I don't plan to play them any time soon.

I really like playing Cygnar (aka the Haleys) and my interest in the faction has increased since Theme Forces dropped. I would love to put Nemo3 on the table, since he looks awesome and a lot of fun to play. Maybe I will try him out in a few friendly games, but I have no plans on playing Cygnar competitivly for the next 6 month. Right now, there is one faction I am really excited to explore and that is Khador. I think they have a lot of strong options and many playable Warcasters. The Warcasters i want tp put on the table are Butcher3, Harkevich, Vlad1, Vlad2, Irusk2, Strakhov2 (once he is released), Sorscha1 and Butcher1. Lots to choose from! I already commited myself on playing Khador in a small 12 man tournament in March. Really looking forward to that.
So that's it. I will be playing Khador and Circle Orboros for the next 6 month and I am excited and curious how it will pan out. Expect the first battle reports soon (hopefully friday).

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