Freitag, 27. Januar 2017

The Beginning

Well, though I doubt that many people will end up reading this blog, I've decided to create it anyways. I've always thought about trying this, and I've always been an avid wargamer, so I decided to create this blog as a tool for myself (and others) to give voice to my thoughts on the game, and ideas that I have about it.

So, first things first.

I've been playing Warmachine and Hordes for about 3 years now. I started playing Cryx and Trollbloods in MK2. I find it very difficult to focus on only one or two armies, so by now I own nearly the full catalog of the following factions: Cryx, Protectorate of Menoth, Cygnar, Retribution of Scyrah, Legion of Everblight, Circle Orboros, Trollbloods and recently started building and painting Khador and Skorne. All of these factions are fully painted and I try to follow the rule, that I only play fully painted armies.

I really like the competitive side of Warmachine and Hordes the most, but as a father of two little children I find it often really difficult to find the time to compete on a high level.

With this blog I want to share my journey to playing the game, so except battle reports, tournament reports, thoughts on list building and the meta, pictures of newly painted models and so on. Maybe I will succeed in my goal to focus on only one or two factions at a time, but I really can't promise ;)

So let's do this.

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